A Serendipitous Spiritual Journey: From Cancelled Plans to Unexpected Blessings

Greetings to all who join me today to explore a part of my spiritual journey. Before we begin, I want to mention that the things I’m about to share might seem a bit unreal or hard to understand at times. So, instead of trying to figure it all out logically, I invite you to walk alongside me and feel the essence of this experience. There might be moments when you resonate with what I felt – just feel it!

We all have plans for our birthdays, right? I did too. As July approached, I felt a different kind of excitement. I wanted to celebrate my birthday in a way that went beyond the usual. So, I started thinking about spiritual places like Shegaon and Shirdi. There was a strong pull inside me to visit a serene spiritual spot. Towards the end of July, I planned to visit a place called Gurutattva Platform’s – Samarpan Ashram in Dandi, Navsari (Gujarat). I’ve been there before, and it feels like heaven to me.

But life often has its own plans. The day before my birthday, due to some family reasons, we had to cancel our trip. It was disappointing at first, but then I realized that maybe there was a hidden reason behind it. Sometimes, things happen for a purpose, even if we can’t see it at the moment. So, I waited patiently to understand why this change occurred.

The day arrived. I woke up at 5:30 in the morning and finished my usual tasks by 6:30. I got ready and went to Gurutattva’s – The Himalayan Meditation Center in Panvel. They have sessions from 7:00 to 7:30 every day, and it’s a wonderful way to start the day with self-awareness. After that, I went with my wife to a Vegetable Market. We bought leafy green vegetables to feed the cows at the Gaushala (Cowshed). This act of giving made me really happy. Then, I went to a temple, which isn’t something I do often. But that day, I felt a strong urge to go.

It was amazing to feel all these different emotions, from self-awareness to happiness through giving. But I still wondered why my original plan got canceled. I had a feeling that something unexpected was waiting for me. Around 11 AM, my family decided to visit Shri Gagangiri Mahraj Ashram in Khopoli. It’s not far from where we live. We planned to start around 4:00 PM. However, our original cab driver canceled, and we had to find another cab. During all of this, I remained calm and observed the situation. My mind was surprisingly quiet, and I didn’t feel upset. I had visited this place when I was studying in Class 3, and now, years later, I was excited to go back. At that time, I had personally got a chance to take blessing from the Shri Gagangiri Maharaj.

Finally, we started our journey around 4:40 PM. After about an hour, we reached Shri Gagangiri Maharaj Ashram. The view near the ashram was breathtaking, with a river flowing nearby. The sound of the water was so soothing, and I spent a moment just listening to it. Nature has a special way of bringing peace. Before I even went to the samadhi (memorial) of Shri Gagangiri Mahraj, I felt a positive energy in my hands. Right by the samadhi, there’s a place to sit. Instead of rushing to bow down, I chose to sit there and meditate for a while. It helped me feel more connected.

I meditated for about 15-20 minutes and then stood in line to offer my respect to the Paduka (sandals) of Shri Gagangiri Maharaj. As I touched the Paduka, tears filled my eyes, and my head bowed down without me even thinking about it. It was like my body was acting on its own. Every movement felt natural and automatic.

For those of you who might not know, I follow Gurutattva Platform led by H. H. Shree Shivkrupanand Swami. This is just for your information.

When I got up after bowing down, something incredible happened. I was physically at Shri Gagangiri Maharaj’s Samadhi, but in my heart and mind, I was at Samarpan Ashram Dandi, the place I had initially wanted to visit on my birthday. I could see my Guru right in front of me, showering blessings. Everything around me – the structure, the samadhi – transformed into Samarpan Ashram, and I was standing before my Guru there. This was completely new and amazing for me.

I’ve heard that all Gurus are connected on a deeper level, even if we don’t see it physically. This connection happens through energy. And for the first time, I experienced it.

I was lost in this experience. It all happened in just those 5 minutes of bowing down, but it felt like half an hour. Everything moved in slow motion, like a scene from a movie. Suddenly, I understood – this was it. This was the experience that the universe had in store for me. That’s why things changed, and plans got rearranged.

I thanked Shri Gagangiri Maharaj and my Guru in my heart for this incredible experience. As we left the ashram, I carried with me beautiful spiritual memories and a tasty laddu as a blessing.

“Change in plans can be the universe’s way of orchestrating something greater.”

– Jugal Solanki

This kind of thing can happen to anyone who visits a spiritual place with a sincere heart, not just to ask for things. You might have different experiences, but the first step is feeling good in such places. And I believe that regular meditation and connecting with our inner selves are the keys to unlocking these kinds of spiritual experiences.

Thank you for reading this patiently. I’m curious to know if you’ve had any similar experiences in religious places or during meditation. Please feel free to share.

#SpiritualJourney #UnexpectedBlessings #DivineDetours #Synchronicity #SpiritualAwakening #MeditationMagic #InnerPeace #SacredPlaces #LifeChanges #SpiritualExperiences #Mindfulness #SoulConnection #EmbraceChange #SelfAwareness #MysticalMoments #UniverseGuidance #SamarpanAshram #GuruBlessings #MeditationJourney #PersonalGrowth #JourneyWithin #FindingMeaning #LifeTransformations #DivineGuidance #TrustTheProcess #ReligiousExperiences

2 thoughts on “A Serendipitous Spiritual Journey: From Cancelled Plans to Unexpected Blessings”

  1. It was good to read about your travel and experience you had at that place.
    I liked the sentence that one must feel good in such places and then only we will be able to have such an experience. Thanks for sharing your journey.

    1. Thank you, Kiran! I’m glad you enjoyed reading about my journey. Indeed, feeling the positive vibes in such places opens doors to remarkable experiences. Your kind words mean a lot!

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